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Meet the new MPs taking on Westminster

Parliament may still be on recess, but across the country hundreds of new MPs are getting ready to start back at work following Keir Starmer’s landslide election earlier this summer.
Host Sascha O’Sullivan meets a few of the new parliamentarians slowly figuring out their way through Westminster.
New Labour MPs — and soon-to-be office buddies — Jake Richards and Chris Curtis give Sascha rundown of their whirlwind first few days in SW1 and a taste of their plans to make a difference in parliament.
Lola McEvoy, newly elected Labour MP for Darlington, re-lives the nerves of giving her maiden speech directly after Reform Leader Nigel Farage. She explains the challenges of very quickly having to get on top of an inbox with thousands of emails from constituents — before she’d even had a chance to hire staff.
As if being a new MP wasn’t challenging enough, Sascha talks to Sarah Sackman, the representative for Finchley and Golders Green and newly-minted solicitor general, on how to find your way around parliament with a ministerial red box.
Another fresh face, Andrew Snowden, Conservative MP for Fylde, tells Sascha about being courted by senior Tories as they jostle for the upper hand in the leadership contest.
And new Lib Dem MP Bobby Dean attempts to answer the thorny question of “what’s the point of the Liberal Democrats” now they have their highest ever number of seats in parliament.
