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Possible graft in model mosque project to be probed: adviser

Religious adviser AFM Khalid Hossain today said the interim government will form an investigation committee to probe alleged corruption in the construction of model mosques.
Speaking at a seminar at the Islamic Foundation in Dhaka’s Agargaon area, the adviser also revealed plans for a high-powered committee to investigate the deterioration of the Islamic Foundation, stating that those responsible for its decline will be held accountable.
“The Islamic Foundation will be restructured and transformed into a vibrant institution,” he said.
The adviser emphasized that changes would be made within the organization, including reassigning long-serving officers from the head office to the field and promoting qualified field officers to central roles.
Khalid also criticised the Islamic Foundation for deviating from its original mission and vision in recent years, attributing this shift to political interference.
“The Islamic Foundation must be kept above politics,” he said.
The religious adviser further said that intelligence agencies would assist in investigating any illicit wealth accumulation by Islamic Foundation officials and employees over the past 15 years.
“If any irregularities or corruption are found, legal action will be taken,” he added.
